It is almost golf tournament time!

If you would like to put your name forward to represent CUPE on the team please forward your name, job and personal email address.
21st Annual Director’s Charity Golf Tournament
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Loyalist Golf and Country Club
1 Loyalist Blvd., Bath, ON
The draw will take place on July 15 at 10am.
All members are welcome to submit their information for the draw. No experience necessary.

T-shirt Update

Over 600 T-shirts were sorted and packed today.  They will be delivered over the next three days.  We are asking that all CUPE 1479 members wear their Tshirts on Thursday to show support to the OSBCU (Ontario School Board Council of Unions) who will be at the Central Bargaining Table negotiating a contract for us.  Remember that all items at the Central Bargaining Table are all those items that cost money.  For example sick leave, raises, benefits, allowances and so on.

Please email pictures to or post via Twitter @cupe1479  or to our CUPE 1479 or CUPE OSBCU Area 5 Facebook pages.  Don’t forget the #powerofpubliceducation

Jen Connor, VP West

The triangle is the strongest shape, just like #powerofpubliceducation
Jen Connor, VP West

T Shirt Order information

The CUPE 1479 Mobilization Committee is happy to announce the Local will be providing complimentary t-shirts for all CUPE 1479 members.  Members must sign up through their site representative for their free shirt.
You are able to chose one (1) t-shirt in your choice of black or purple, fitted or non-fitted style, and of course your size.
Attached to this email are:
  • Samples of both purple and black shirts-please note the mock up is only on the fitted style but represents what it will look like on both fitted and non fitted shirts
  • Sizing charts for fitted and non fitted styles.  Please go by the sizes available on the order form, not the size chart. **please note that fitted t-shirts fit small**
You must see your CUPE site representative no later then May 31 to order a shirt.  Orders will not be taken after this date.  I know the turn around time is short, however the time to have orders processed is two weeks from date of submission to the supplier.
These shirts are meant to be used as a solidarity action.  You will be asked to wear them to show the government and CTA that we are standing in solidarity together during bargaining.  We ask that you wear your shirt on Education Worker Wednesdays, when the OSBCU is at the central bargaining table, Local Bargaining Committee is in  bargaining, during job action and any other time you would like to show you are a proud CUPE education worker!
If you are interested in ordering more than one shirt the cost will be $15 and cheque can be made out to CUPE Local 1479 or cash will be excepted.
Hopefully everyone has received their CUPE 1479 buttons and are proudly wearing them.
If you have any questions please see your CUPE site rep.

In solidarity,
Liz James
Chief Steward
CUPE Local 1479

Happy Catholic Education Week 2019

Catholic Education Week Mass
Paula Johnson Young, YW at St. Martha and St. Francis, won the Excellence in Supporting Catholic Education. Congratulations Paula, very well deserved!
The Katherine Award was won by CUPE member Robert Thurston. Robert holds a full time care taking position at St Theresa, but is temporarily work in Tweed. We are so proud of you Robert, you go above and beyond all the time.

Protesting in Napanee with CUPE 1479, 1480 & 1022, OECTA, ETFO & OSSTF at Daryl Kramps office

We had more people than usual out today-thank you St. Francis, JJ and Holy Cross staff for representing our local!  Hopefully next time we will get more people out!


#powerofpubliceducation. Power of purple

CUPE Local 1479 attending the massive education rally at Queen’s Park with education allies

Area 5 Presidents Liz Harrison, Carole Airhart and Sherry Wallace
Kevin French, CUPE 1479 President, CUPE 5555 Vice President Al Maley and CUPE 1479 VP Jennifer Connor at the Queen’s Park Rally
CUPE 1480 President Dan Jackson, CUPE 1479 President Kevin French and Al Mailey from CUPE Local 5555. Representing OSBCU Area 4 & 5.
Ryan sporting all his button collection.
Debora from 1479 and Kerry from 1022 on the bus to the rally!
There to prove a point!
From CUPE 1479-Kenndy, Andrea, Head Mobilizer Carrie Moncrief, VP West Jennifer Connor and behind Jen is President, Kevin French.


Ford government’s budget offers only “fake” investments in education


Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE)

Apr 11, 2019, 20:27 ET

TORONTO, April 11, 2019 /CNW/ – Empty promises and meaningless phrases in the Ford government’s budget announcement mask the true harm that will be done to Ontario’s students and system of public education, said the leader of the council that represents 55,000 education workers in the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE).

The most direct consequence of the provincial budget will be a throttling of public education and the services that support it, as the government sets out to provide below-inflation increases for education this year and a funding freeze next year, said union representatives.

Laura Walton, president of CUPE’s Ontario School Board Council of Unions, described CUPE education workers’ reaction as “disappointed, angry, but not surprised,” following the union’s analysis of the budget, declaring, “This a false budget, with fake investments in education. It can only have a negative impact on the services that students need in school.”

This government has already shown its hand on plans for education in the province: in March alone, the Ford government slashed some $300 million dollars in funding that helps to support children’s education. When previous cuts, a hiring freeze, and staffing cuts are factored in with news from today’s budget, September is shaping up to be the start of a grim school year for Ontario students.

“School boards across the province are sending out layoff notices to education workers, who are part of the foundation of our education system,” said Walton. “It’s simply more proof that the government’s drive to save money is fuelled by cuts that make victims of vulnerable people, including children with autism, students, women and low-paid workers.”

Ontario schools have suffered from years of underfunding, but cuts by the Ford government are making the situation infinitely worse for students, families and education workers, she added.

“Today’s budget shows the government’s complete lack of understanding of students’ needs and its ignorance of the vital services that education workers deliver in Ontario’s schools,” said Walton.

CUPE Ontario president Fred Hahn criticized the Ford government’s approach to education in the budget, as part of his overall assessment of what he called a “budget of betrayal”: “People understand that every job cut in the public sector is really a service loss in the community. Service cuts do nothing to end hallway medicine, improve the quality of education, increase the level of care for seniors or improve social services for the most vulnerable.”

On behalf education workers and 270,000 CUPE members in Ontario, Walton and Hahn promised to fight back against attempts to harm or dismantle the province’s cherished system of high-quality public education.

SOURCE Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE)

For further information: Mary Unan, CUPE Communications, 647-390-9839

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