Ontario Catholic teachers vote to strike



empty school desks and chairs (650x366) 7 ways

TORONTO – Stundents in Ontario’s Catholic schools could be out of class as early as May 10 now that their teachers have voted to strike.

The Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association announced it’s members voted 94.2% in favour of strike action late Friday.

The vote puts them in a position to join their Durham Region public high school counterparts after they hit the picket lines last Monday.

“OECTA members have clearly expressed their opinion of the trustees’ and the government’s position at the bargaining table with this strike vote,” said union president James Ryan. “Our teachers know that what has been proposed goes far beyond demands for a wage freeze. The employer side is using the economy as the excuse to take back everything OECTA has gained in bargaining, locally and provincially, for decades. This includes provisions that recognize teachers’ professional judgment and fair hiring practices.”

The Catholic teachers’ union says its 50,000 members, who teach all grades in English Catholic schools across the province, aren’t heading towards a strike for a salary increase, but for improved working conditions.

They say the province is trying to strip them of their professional autonomy.

“Our members know they must take a stand against such proposals that also threaten students’ learning conditions,” says Ryan.

The Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association said it is committed to finding a resolution to avoid a strike.

“Our focus is always on the wellbeing of all students and staff and our efforts remain focused on achieving a negotiated settlement that supports their well-being. We will continue to bargain in good faith, respecting the negotiating process and maintaining the specifics of negotiations at the table,” said Kathy Burtnik, president of OCSTA.

Trustee Maria Rizzo with the Toronto District Catholic School Board says she sees the union’s actions as a vote of solidarity.

“If you haven’t had a pay increase in a few years you might be prone to this as well,” Rizzo said.

“We don’t negotiate with unions. We’re out of the picture. They (the province) have taken over negotiations and it makes it difficult for everyone. (School boards) should be dealing with our own unions.”

OSSTF Back The Barganing Table

The National Post is reporting that the minister of education states that central (provincial) table negotiations between OSSTF and the government resumed this morning.  (I think they mean between OSSTF and OPSBA, but the article says between OSSTF and the government.)


Paul O’Donnell
Senior Research Officer
Canadian Union of Public Employees
1375 St. Laurent
Ottawa, Ontario K1G 0Z7
Tel: (613) 237-1590 X 227
Fax: (613) 237-5508

Durham teachers strike could unleash wave of labour unrest; Six more school boards targeted as unions grow increasingly frustrated at bargaining table

Durham teachers strike could unleash wave of labour unrest; Six more school boards targeted as unions grow increasingly frustrated at bargaining table
Toronto Star
Mon Apr 20 2015
Byline: Kristin Rushowy Toronto Star

Durham public high school teachers will hit the picket lines on Monday in a protest widely seen as the start of a wave of teacher unrest across the province, with six more boards targeted in the coming weeks and other unions growing increasingly frustrated at the bargaining table.

“There’s an intensity of emotions with regard to the issues . . . and there’s a definite philosophical divide that could very well prolong this action,” said Michael Barrett, president of the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association and chair of the Durham District School Board. “I’m not sure at this point, based upon the conversations that have been going on at the provincial table,” whether a deal can be soon reached, he said. “When there’s no light at the tunnel, it’s tough to see out of the darkness.”

On the weekend, the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation formally ended all talks at the provincial level, and had previously accused the government and school boards’ association of not bargaining seriously, seeking “strips” or clawbacks to previously won gains. Those include bigger class sizes, more out-of-class supervision time, as well as a demand for an unpaid day off and a slower movement up the salary grid.

But in the past, the school boards were vocal about their opposition to a number of rules imposed on them during the last round of bargaining, including a regulation that forces principals to hire long-term supply teachers based on seniority rather than fitness for the job, as well as allowing teachers to decide which diagnostic tests to use on students, arguing there would be no consistency from year to year.

Earlier last month, the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association, which is holding strike votes this week, opposed any clawback, saying it was a blow to teacher professionalism.

For the first time, the province, school board associations and teacher unions are bargaining under new legislation where costly items such as salaries and benefits are settled at the provincial table, while school boards and union districts negotiate local deals on items specific to each.

The new system was supposed to help avoid labour chaos, after the 2012-13 school year that saw teacher walkouts and work-to-rule campaigns to protest a contract being imposed on teachers.

While some bargaining did eventually take place, neither unions nor the school boards were happy with the process.

Although the complexity of the new system can be blamed for some of the delay, teachers have been without a contract since last August and the union is now putting pressure on the provincial talks with local strike action, which could hit Peel, Halton, Sudbury, Thunder Bay, Ottawa and Waterloo in short order.

Other insiders say that despite the government being seen as education friendly, no one should rule out broader job action come this fall, involving all teacher unions, should provincial talks continue at such a slow pace.

The government has been clear there’s no money for salary increases unless teachers give up something to cover the cost.

“Our government remains committed to a respectful bargaining process that is in line with our fiscal plan and continues to support student achievement,” Education Minister Liz Sandals said in a statement Sunday, adding it was “disappointing that local talks between OSSTF and the Durham District School Board have broken down.”

Students in Durham also weighed in on the weekend, appealing to all three sides to come to a resolution as soon as possible to avoid a strike.

“Believe it or not, we want to stay in school. We want to keep learning, earning those credits and we want to graduate,” says a letter that student leaders at Pickering’s Pine Ridge Secondary School sent to the school board, the OSSTF, Premier Kathleen Wynne and Sandals.

Cameron Penn, a Grade 12 student leader bound for the University of Ottawa in the fall, is concerned, like many of his peers, that a strike could require time lost to be made up in the summer, possibly resulting in the loss of summer jobs.

“Another thing is all our students worked very hard to plan numerous events for our school, which could be cancelled,” he says. “All these events that students worked on, for our community and for charities, could be cancelled and that would be a tragedy.” Penn, 17, says historically, labour disputes have left students feeling ignored and used for leverage. “We believe the whole point is to educate the students, and the fact that no one was asking us how we felt, we sort of felt left behind,” he says. “We know that you care about the students, so it’s time to show it,” says the letter. “There are no reasons which justify the interruption of our education.”

But Barrett said the last decade of contract negotiations has been difficult, and that the last time around, when some conditions were imposed on teachers and boards, “nobody was happy … there were certain frameworks in that agreement that were not acceptable to the school boards. Certainly, we’re looking for adjustments to some of those elements we were never quite happy about.”

And while he agreed the new system is complex, he acknowledged that a recent pay increase for Toronto police – which raised eyebrows among many teachers who expressed their displeasure on social media – has not helped matters.

The four-year police contract, overwhelmingly ratified by members of the Toronto Police Association last week, includes a cumulative pay increase of 8.64 per cent.
“It’s very, very difficult to take the premise of fiscal responsibility and then expect it to be at the hands of a few … (the police raise) was a very difficult premise to swallow and I understand the angst.”

Paul Axelrod, a professor in the faculty of education at York University, agreed.

“The imposition of salary freezes by the province, and the apparent desire to remove class size ceilings in a time when the government appears to have spent irresponsibly on e-health, ORNGE, and the power plants – these issues have not been forgotten despite the last election – means that employees in the public sector, like teachers, are not likely to be passive in current and upcoming negotiations,” he said.

“Clearly, the large provincial deficit hovers over all of this, but government is still spending in selected areas. The sector is asking why education shouldn’t be one of these priorities.

“I think it will be tough going in the coming months.”

With files from Tamara Khandaker

(c) 2015 Torstar Corporation

Ontario moves to fast-track process to close ‘underutilized’ schools

Ontario moves to fast-track process to close ‘underutilized’ schools

The Globe and Mail

Mon Apr 6 2015


The Ontario government is speeding up the process for closing schools, as part of a crackdown on publicly funded boards with too many classrooms sitting empty.

Several boards are grappling with declining enrolment across Ontario, where about 600 schools, or one in eight, are less than half full, according to the Education Ministry. School boards spend $1-billion a year, 5 per cent of their provincial operating budgets, on buildings with an excess of empty space. They are coming under renewed pressure to address the financial drain, with Education Minister Liz Sandals saying the money should be used instead for student programs.

Her ministry defines schools less than two-thirds full as “underutilized” – candidates for closing or changes to their boundaries or programs they offer. The ministry unveiled new guidelines 10 days ago for community consultations that must take place before a school can be closed. But critics say the guidelines limit public engagement and make it easier to close schools.

A committee reviewing the fate of a school is required to hold two public meetings instead of four under the new regime, and the time frame for conducting a review is cut to five months from seven. Another major change causing considerable angst for municipal officials is a shift in emphasis toward student achievement and away from considering the impact of closing a school on a community and local economy.

Doug Reycraft, chair of the Community Schools Alliance, a not-for-profit that strives to work with the ministry, municipalities and boards, said holding only two open meetings over a shorter time period leads one to conclude that public input is not important.

“These changes are really just a recipe for an avalanche of closures across the province,” Mr. Reycraft said.

“To take the existing process and make it tighter is just an affront to democracy.”

Monika Turner, director of policy at the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, said focusing the review process more narrowly on the interests of students might help school boards solve their fiscal challenges. But it comes, she said, at the expense of the longer-term interests of a community, including the impact closing a school could have on residential real estate values.

“A school is the hub of a community,” Ms. Turner said.

“When you close a school, that community has lost a draw for anybody to ever come back.”

The new process gives municipal governments a formal role for the first time, providing an opportunity for school boards to collaborate with municipalities in making the best use of school space.

“Ultimately, we actually want the school boards and the municipalities to have an ongoing relationship where [they] are sharing their planning data so that the municipalities are aware of where there are clusters of underutilized schools,” Ms. Sandals said in a recent interview.

Earlier this year, she forced the Toronto District School Board to come up with a plan to reduce its underutilized space, which does not include classrooms used for adult education, English as a second language or community programs.

One in five schools at the board falls within the threshold. Trustees agreed in February to conduct community reviews on a total of 68 schools over the next three years.

Under the new guidelines, the review committee acts as a conduit for sharing information between school-board trustees and the community. However, the power to close a school rests solely with the board of trustees. Committee members do not get to vote on whether to close a school.

Michael Barrett, president of the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association, said in many heavily contested cases in the past, it was often a municipality that was fighting to prevent a school from closing.

“Everybody wants the school to remain open,” he said.

“But nobody wants to pay for it.”

© 2015 The Globe and Mail Inc. All Rights Reserved.

School funding continues to leave students behind

School funding continues to leave students behind

TORONTO, ON – Public school funding announced today by the Ministry of Education will leave students behind and speed up the closure of schools across Ontario, says Fred Hahn, President of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Ontario.

“The minister said she wants to support student achievement and well-being, but her announcement makes it clear the government is ramping up its effort to force potentially hundreds of school closures across the province,” says Hahn. “Taking kids out of their local schools, which are the hearts of their communities, hurts student well-being. Forcing kids in rural communities to endure ever longer bus rides because of school closures will impact student achievement. The government is making these short-sighted decisions based on deeply flawed utilization numbers, and Ontario’s students deserve better.”

The education ministry’s funding is based on a formula for “utilization” rates in schools. A recent report from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives shows the funding formula is deeply flawed and the ministry is not accounting for a number of key uses of school space. Today’s announcement included another push to close schools across Ontario by the Minister, even though the government just announced it will be consulting on the use of schools as community hubs.

“How can you say you’re committed to consultations on community hubs while you’re aggressively closing the very buildings that would house those hubs,” said Hahn. “That makes no sense.”

Today’s release by the Ministry of Education of the Grants for Student Needs also failed to address chronic underfunding of special education. In fact, it will mean less special education funding for 38 school boards.

“Almost 80 percent of school boards already have to spend more on special education than the ministry provides. Despite this board-level commitment, students and families continue to wait years for support. Many students with learning disabilities never get the support they need,” said Terri Preston, chair of CUPE Ontario’s School Board Workers Coordinating Committee. “Let’s be honest, this continued shortfall in provincial funding is hurting student achievement.”

CUPE Ontario will continue its call for a moratorium on school closures until there is a full public consultation and review of the funding formula. It will also continue working with coalition partners to ensure the ministry provides adequate funding for special education.

“Investing in public education builds a better Ontario for future generations,” said Preston. “Our members are standing up and demanding our schools receive the provincial funding they need so students can succeed and we can maintain these valuable public assets in our communities.”

CUPE is Ontario’s community union, with members providing quality public services we all rely on, in every part of the province, every day. CUPE Ontario members are proud to work in social services, health care, municipalities, school boards, universities and airlines.


For further information:
Craig Saunders, CUPE Communications, 416-576-7316

GSN for 2015-16

GSN for 2015-16

Education funding for 2015-16 was announced on March 26, 2015 by the Ministry of Education.  Only the Grants for Student Needs (GSN) were released.  The Education Program – Other (EPO) announcement will be at some future date.

In addition to the GSN the Ministry released a revised version of the Pupil Accommodation Review Guidelines, which describes the process school boards must go through when considering closing schools.

The documents released today are available on the ministry website at:


Overall, GSN funding has been cut by $70M over the amounts announced a year ago.  Last year the GSN increased by 3.1%, but that amount appeared more impressive than it actually was.  Most of the increase last year was accounted for by the movement of funding for Full Day Kindergarten (FDK) from EPO to GSN. A 2% increase to ETFO teachers’ salaries, and funding for a half-year’s grid movement accounted for most of the remainder of last year’s GSN increase.

The government is fond of announcing how much education funding has increased since they took office but we won’t even repeat the number here as it is meaningless, failing to take inflation into account.

Special Education

Overall, special education funding is unchanged from 2014-15 at $2.72B.  Last year the ministry announced changes to the special education funding model, to be implemented over four years, to “provide greater fairness and equity.” Essentially, the ministry is moving towards using more recent data and statistical prediction models.  The special education funding change is projected to be revenue neutral across the province but it will have an impact on individual boards.  In fact 38 boards will be receiving less funding for special education this year than they did last year as a result of the redistribution.

School Operations Allocation

The ministry’s School Board Efficiencies and Modernization (SBEM) initiative launched a few years ago aimed to increase the efficient operation of school board school facilities.  When CUPE was consulted by the ministry on this initiative one recommendation we had was that boards could save money by having custodial staff do simple preventative maintenance functions.
What the ministry really had in mind though was reducing “incentives” to boards to keep open schools that the ministry felt had too much “surplus capacity.”   Last year the ministry reduced “top-up” funding for schools with excess student capacity by $42.5M, taking aim especially at schools operating at less than 65% capacity.

Beginning in 2015-16, the ministry is eliminating base top up funding altogether.  Over the next three years top-up funding will be reduced by one-third a year.  Base top-up funding will be $101.3M in 2015-16.

A portion of the savings will be rolled in to the school operations benchmark, increasing it by $3.23 per sq/m to $84.38 per sq/m.  While this is a long overdue increase to the school operations benchmark, the overall cut to the School Operations Allocation will be $11M in 2015-16, with further reductions to take place in the subsequent two school years.

Enhanced Top-up funding, for schools that are isolated from other schools of the same board, will continue.  Enhanced top-up funding will amount to $80.3M in 2015-16.

The criteria for determining which schools qualify for enhanced top-up funding is being changed for 2015-16.  Under the new criteria, any elementary school that is at least 10 km away from the next closest school of the board will qualify for Enhanced Top-up funding. Any secondary school facility that is at least 20 km away from the next closest secondary school of the board will also qualify for Enhanced Top-up funding.  At the same time as these new criteria are being introduced, old criteria that provided enhanced top-up funding to schools designated as “supported” or “rural” are being eliminated. These changes are also being phased in over three years.

Overall, these changes to school top-up funding represent a significant cut from last year’s amounts.  In 2014-15 total top-up funding (base and enhanced) amounted to $219.5M.  This year it will total $181.6M, a cut of $37.9M or 17%.

The non-staff portion of the school operations benchmark is also being increased by 2% to assist with rising utility prices, while the electricity component is increasing by 7.3%.

School Foundation Grant

The school foundation grant, which provides funding for school office staff (SOS), as well as principals and VPS, is being restructured for 2015-16.  Until now, this grant provided funding for one SOS regardless of school size.  Beginning in 2015-16, a new formula is being phased in over three years.  Under this change only schools that are designated as “supported”, i.e. elementary schools that are more than 20km from another board elementary school, or secondary schools more than 45km from board secondary schools, qualify for funding for one FTE school office staff.  All other schools with less than 100 students enrolled will get an office staff allocation based on enrolment.  A school with 50 students enrolled will get funded for .5 FTE office staff, a school with 25 students will get .25 FTE, etc.

Like in the past, the formula provides funding for additional office staff for schools over 100 students, also based on a sliding scale.  The amounts allocated under this scale are unchanged from last year.

The net effect of this change, along with changes to the formula for allocating principals and VPs, will be to shift funding away from very small schools that are not “isolated” to schools that are larger, remote, or combined (i.e. serve both elementary and secondary students.)  While overall the School Foundation grants increases by 1.3M for 2015-16, the allocation for office staff is being cut as a result of these changes.

Geographical Circumstances Grant

This grant, another that provided support through Remote and Rural, and Rural and Small Community Allocations will be reduced over three years, with the Rural and Small Community allocation being eliminated altogether.  The cut for 2015-16 amounts to $7.1M.

Declining Enrolment Adjustment

A cut to the declining enrolment grant of $14.1M  is being fully implemented in 2015-16 (i.e. not phased in like most of the other cuts).  The ministry’s B memo puts the rationale for this cut rather starkly: “School boards have had more than ten years of experience in adjusting their cost structures to enrolment decline. Beginning in 2015-16, the Ministry will be reducing this grant to encourage school boards to adjust more quickly to declining enrolment.”

Wage Grids

The government has not provided additional funding for wage grid increases, above last year’s amounts.  It continues to take the position that the 97 day delay in wage grid movement contained in the 2012-14 Memoranda of Understanding applies during the Labour Relations Act’s statutory freeze provision, until new terms of agreement are negotiated.

Employer Bargaining Agent Fees for Labour Relations Activities

New for 2015-16, schools boards will receive funding for collective bargaining activities via
The School Board Administration and Governance Grant.  Boards will be provided “with the funding necessary to support the labour relations activities of their respective trustees’ associations.”  Activities covered include travel and accommodation, actuarial services, legal services, and translation.

In the past two rounds of central table negotiations, support staff unions and teachers federations were also provided with funding to cover bargaining expenses.

Pupil Accommodation Review Guidelines (PARG)

The ministry has been clear that it has wanted to revise the PARG to create a more streamlined process for closing schools.  In late 2014 it released a consultation paper that clearly set out the direction it wanted to take.

The priority given to the government’s “fiscal context” in the (PARG) consultation document made it clear that the exercise was focused on saving money by forcing school boards to close more schools.  It talked about redirecting toward “student achievement” money that supports school space “that is idle or not being used for core educational purposes.”

During a consultation session at which CUPE participated we told the ministry that we have a major problem with the phrase “core educational purposes.”   It implies a narrow definition of school use, ignoring the creative ways many school boards are using extra school capacity; for example, by offering wide ranging adult education programs and parenting centers, to name just a few.

Predictably, the input of CUPE and other groups who stand up for strong schools sustaining vital communities was ignored in the new PARG.

The new PARG will neuter the accommodation review committees (ARCs) by removing their ability to make recommendations and limiting their roles to commenting, providing feedback and suggesting other “options”. Committee membership will only provide for formal roles for parents/guardians of students. Only if a local board policy provides for it will others including students and community groups be given a role.

The new PARG will cut the number of public meetings in half to two, a further diminution of the ability of community members and community groups to participate in the process, especially in reviews covering large rural areas where the schools involved may be in communities many kilometres apart.

These changes to ARCs thwart democratic involvement and community participation in the affairs of their local school.

The new PARG “dumbs down” the School Information Profiles (SIPs).  Under the old PARG the SIPS addressed difficult questions about the value of a school to students, communities and local economies.  Now, they apparently will only consider a school’s value to students and the school board.  Thankfully, the SIPs will provide some information about community use of school facilities.  As well, a revised Community Planning and Partnerships (CPP) Guideline should further promote community input into use of school facilities.  Overall though, the CPP will do little to stem the tide of school closures we can expect as a result of the streamlined PARG process.


Changes to top-up grants, the school foundation grant, the geographical circumstances grant and the declining enrolment grant  are clearly aimed at making schools with low enrolment uneconomical for school boards to operate.  Changes to the PARG will make the process of closing small schools less painful for boards.  Small schools are the biggest losers in the funding changes announced today.  School boards experiencing declining enrolment, that is, most boards in the province are also big losers.  Once again education workers will suffer the consequences of a tight fisted government more concerned with its bottom line than providing the education system Ontarians deserve.

Premier Wynne Appoints Special Advisor on Community Hubs

News Release

Premier Wynne Appoints Special Advisor on Community Hubs
March 20, 2015

Karen Pitre Will Chair Advisory Group

Premier Kathleen Wynne has appointed Karen Pitre as Special Advisor on Community Hubs. Pitre will chair the new Premier’s Community Hub Framework Advisory Group. The members of the advisory group will be announced in the coming weeks.

A community hub can be a school, a neighbourhood centre or another public space that offers coordinated services such as education, health care and social services. The advisory group will review provincial policies and develop a framework for adapting existing public assets to become community hubs.

The Community Hub Framework Advisory Group will:
*    Gather input from Ontarians
*    Foster partnerships among community organizations and other groups to ensure that the framework addresses local needs
*    Examine best practices in Ontario and other jurisdictions.

Delivering coordinated public services through community hubs will ensure these services better meet the needs of children, youth and seniors.

Providing high-quality accessible and efficient community services is part of the government’s plan for Ontario. The four-part plan is building Ontario up by investing in people’s talents and skills, building new public infrastructure like roads and transit, creating a dynamic, supportive environment where business thrives, and building a secure retirement savings plan.

*    Ontario’s first poverty reduction strategy committed to the development of a Community Hub Program to respond to community needs related to poverty reduction and student achievement.

*    In her mandate letters, the Premier tasked selected ministers to participate in the development of a policy on community hubs, including the ministers of Education, Health and Long-Term Care, Municipal Affairs and Housing, Community and Social Services and the Minister Responsible for Seniors.

*    Karen Pitre’s Biography


*    Read the Premier’s mandate letters to ministers


“I want to thank Karen Pitre for taking on this important responsibility. The work of the advisory group will do so much to inform our government’s approach to establishing community hubs. We want Ontario to be the best place to work, live and raise a family, and community hubs are a part of that vision.”
– Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario

“We have a great opportunity to develop community hubs in a way that coordinates services, meets people’s needs and strengthens communities. I look forward to working with the advisory group to support the considerable work already underway to move forward on this complex and important issue.”
– Karen Pitre, Special Advisor to the Premier on Community Hubs

Bad Math Shouldn’t Force School Closures

Bad Math Shouldn’t Force School Closures

New Report exposes huge flaws in the numbers behind the government’s push to close schools

TORONTO,ON – It’s time to put the brakes on school closures, warns Ontario’s largest union, in light of a new report showing estimates used by the province to justify closures are inaccurate.

“Bad math should never be used to justify closing schools,” says Fred Hahn, president of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Ontario. “This report shows the government is using deeply flawed data in their push for school closures across the province, regardless of what’s needed in our communities or what makes sense for our children.”

A new report from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA), released today, shows that the government’s estimate of the cost to keep schools open is wrong, thanks to a series of inflated estimates and flaws in funding formulae, some dating back to the years of the Mike Harris government. It also reveals boards are paying millions for programs introduced, but not fully funded, by the government.

“Schools are the heart of our community,” says Terri Preston, chair of CUPE’s Ontario School Boards, Coordinating Committee, which represents some 55,000 support workers in all four provincial school systems. “Closing them impacts all students, especially in rural areas where kids inevitably face dramatically increased time on buses when their local school is shut.

“And we’re not just talking about the impact on classrooms. Schools are used by all sorts of community groups who need public space. Many incorporate community centres, the local public swimming pool, child care centres, adult education and language training – all of which the Ministry counts as unused space,” says Preston. “The government has long talked about the importance of schools as community hubs, but when we look at school utilization rates, those important community uses aren’t accounted for at all. It’s time to change those calculations.”

According to the CCPA report, the provincial funding formula fails to take into account, for example, that special education classrooms will necessarily have fewer students. Likewise, non-credit adult education programs offered by school boards – usually with an emphasis on serving new immigrant populations – have lower densities and lower rates of funding, which skews the government’s assessment of how much space is being used. Boards also continue to struggle with a formula that provides funding below the average school’s operating costs.

“Closing schools is a mistake. It rips the heart out of a community and loses public space forever, with no regard for future need,” says Hahn. “Using bad numbers to try and force those closures on elected trustees, parents and our communities, is wrong and it has to stop. The smart thing to do is for the government to work with school boards, parents and education workers to develop the funding formulae our schools need to provide these critical public services.”

CUPE is Ontario’s community union, with members providing quality public services we all rely on in every part of the province every day. CUPE Ontario members are proud to work in social services, health care, municipalities, school boards, universities and airlines.

Catholic teachers urged to reject opening offer from province

Mar 06, 2015 

Catholic teachers urged to reject opening offer from province

Hamilton Spectator

A contract proposal offering Ontario’s Catholic teachers a three-year deal with no salary increases and “regressive changes,” to collective agreements will seriously erode teacher autonomy and demoralize the profession, according to the teachers’ union.

Deemed unacceptable by leadership, members of the 45,000-strong Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association (OECTA) got a look at the opening offer tabled this week by the provincial bargaining team represented by the Ontario Catholic School Trustees’ Association (OCSTA) and the government.

In response, President James Ryan urged OECTA members to “indicate clearly and unambiguously,” that they don’t support it.

“…The Association will be asking all members to support a strike mandate as a public statement of our members’ resolve and as leverage to your provincial bargaining team that teachers must be respected and dealt with in a fair manner,” the bulletin distributed to membership said.

Among the points of contention is Regulation 274 which gives preference to supply teachers with the most seniority when it comes to long-term and full-time jobs. It also gives boards the power to decide which tests teachers use to assess such things as reading levels. Boards are concerned there will be a hodge-podge of tests with no consistency in assessments from year-to-year.

According to the OECTA website, about half of its teachers work in the Golden Horseshoe and Hamilton area, in Dufferin-Peel, Durham, Metro Toronto, Simcoe and York. There are more than 6,000 teachers in Toronto alone.

Secondary teachers make up 34 per cent of OECTA’s membership; elementary teachers 66 per cent.

In all, there are about 656,000 Catholic students in 1,401 Ontario schools — 234 secondary and 1,167 elementary schools.

This is the first offer to be tabled Under Bill 122 and the Revised Labour Relations Act which calls for two-tiered bargaining.

The process begins with OCSTA members and representatives of the government tabling proposals on all monetary issues such as salary, staffing and benefits. Local bargaining with area trustees is the second phase and deals with non-monetary issues such as rights and job security.

Both sides are to meet March 9, 10 and 11.

The Hamilton Spectator

Strike Terms and Information on Process

What is a strike?

A strike is a collective action by employees to stop or curtail work. Section 1 (1) of the Labour Relations Act, 1995 defines a strike as a cessation of work, a refusal to work or to continue to work by employees in combination or in concert or in accordance with a common understanding, or a slow-down or other concerted activity on the part of employees designed to restrict or limit output.

What is a lock-out?

A lock-out occurs when an employer closes a workplace, suspends work or refuses to continue employing a number of employees during a labour dispute.

Section 1 (1) of the Labour Relations Act, 1995 defines a lock-out as the closing of a place of employment, a suspension of work or a refusal by an employer to continue to employ a number of employees, with a view to compel or induce the employees, or to aid another employer to compel or induce that employer’s employees, to refrain from exercising any rights or privileges under this Act or to agree to provisions or changes in provisions respecting terms or conditions of employment or the rights, privileges or duties of the employer, an employers’ organization, the trade union, or the employees.

When are the parties in a legal position to strike or lock-out?

There are several preconditions to get into a legal position to strike or lock-out:

  • If an employer and union are party to a collective agreement, the agreement must have expired.
  • In the case of a strike, a strike vote must have been held (see below for exceptions).
  • A Conciliation Officer must have been appointed and a “no-board” issued (see below for details)

It’s legal to strike or lock-out beginning on the 17th day after the minister mails the “no board” notice. For example, if the notice was mailed on August 1st, the parties can legally strike or lock out on August 18th. There can be some confusion about this because the act states that the period is 14 days after the release of a notice. The notice is not deemed to have been released, however, until the second day after it was mailed. This extends the period to 16 days, and since they must be ‘clear’ days, it means that a strike cannot legally start until the beginning of the 17th day. (See Sections 79(2)(b) and 122(2)(a) of theLabour Relations Act, 1995). In addition to the above, parties covered by the Crown Employees Collective Bargaining Act (CECBA). must have negotiated an essential services agreement before a strike can be lawfully initiated.

Must there be a strike vote before a strike can take place?

Employees cannot lawfully strike unless a strike vote by secret ballot is taken within 30 days of the collective agreement expiring or at any time after the agreement expires, and more than 50 per cent vote in favour of the strike. With a first collective agreement, the vote must be conducted after the appointment of a conciliation officer. A strike vote must be by secret ballot and all people eligible to vote must have ample opportunity to do so. All employees in a bargaining unit, whether or not they are trade union members, are entitled to participate in such a vote. (See Section 79 of the Labour Relations Act, 1995).

There are some exceptions to the mandatory strike vote; namely, employees in the construction industry and those performing maintenance work who are represented by a trade union pertaining to construction.

Can the employer request a vote of employees on the employer’s last offer?

Any time before or after the commencement of a strike or lock-out, the employer may request that the Ontario Minister of Labour direct a vote of the employees in the affected bargaining unit to accept or reject the employer’s last offer on all matters remaining in dispute. Upon receiving this request, the minister is obligated to direct such a vote (except in the construction industry where the minister’s authority to direct a vote is discretionary). Neither the request to the minister nor the holding of the vote affect the time periods set out in the act. (See Section 42 of the Labour Relations Act, 1995).

In situations where strikes and lockouts are prohibited, an employer is not entitled to request a vote under Section 42 of the Labour Relations Act, 1995.

All information above was copied from the Ontario MInistry Of Labour websitehttp://www.labour.gov.on.ca/english/lr/faqs/lr_faq3.php