The People vs. Conservative Cuts rally

Simply put, the people of Ontario do not want the Ontario Conservative’s reckless plans for cuts, cancellations, and privatization. 

February 22, the people will be sending that message loud and clear to the PC policy convention. We’ll be meeting up for “The People vs. Conservative Cuts Rally” in Niagara Falls. Join the Power of Many as we send a strong message to the government. RSVP and find bus information here.

Tonight, you can get ready for the event by joining a Niagara Region regional activation meeting. RSVP here. Look for more meetings and events in the newsletter below.

We have an updated list of Conservative cuts at the OFL Ford Tracker.

-above from OFL Power of Many websites


There is a bus planned to leave Kingston (6am) and stop in Belleville (7am).  This massive rally planned for February 22 in Niagara Falls called The People vs Doug Ford. The OFL is hoping to have 20,000 people in attendance!  
The rally is taking place outside the Conservative convention in Niagara Falls. CUPE is providing a bus down, like the last big rally at Queen’s Park. They will be providing food for the bus as well and obviously there is no charge. The bus needs to be in Niagara for 10:30 and will be leaving to return at noon. 
Your friends, coworkers, family, any labour unions or any community partners you know are also welcome to register
I know it is early in the morning but you can kick back and sleep all the way there in the coach bus. Wear your CUPE swag.  Bring along your flags. If you have never attended a big rally I highly suggest you check it out, the energy is incredible!
Here is the link to sign up!  If you are able to be a bus captain for the Belleville stop please let me know. I will be at the rally, however already in Toronto so I will be going from there. 

If you want to be a bus captain please reach out. All you have to do is register people getting on and making sure they get back on after the rally. There is a bus captain for Kingston already so you would be working with them. 

Please fill out the form at the link below.