Please be sure to mark one of the following dates in your schedule to attend one of our strike votes. Due to time constraints we will be conducting our votes along with 1022 in Belleville and 1480 in Kingston.
There is no book off to attend a strike vote, you must choose the time outside your work hours.**Belleville Vote Date and Times**
Wed September 11 at Noon at CUPE Local 1022 office, 135 Cannifton Rd, ON
7 pm at Centennial Secondary School in Belleville.**Kingston Vote Date and Times**
Monday September 9 at 11am and 5 pm at the Kingston Curling Club on Days
Road.**We are also looking for more Picket Captains! ** The role of the Picket
Captain is to:– Keep attendance on the line so that our members can receive their
strike pay and seeing that strike duties are shared fairly.
– They ensure the safety of our members.
– They are responsible for helping to ensure our members understand the
role of a picketer.
– Relay information to the members and the information from the members
to the executives
– Important in the maintaining the flow of information and communication
during a strike.