Government Updates

As many of you have heard I am sure, the Ford government is planning on making some major changes to the Education sector.  They have been clear in stating that there will be a 4% reduction in costs over all in public services, however health care will not see these reductions.  That means that education will actually lose more than 4% since we will have to absorb part of the 4% that would have come from health care.

We already know that some previously allocated funding will not continue, the exact impact on our members is not know at this time.  March 15th the Conservatives will be announcing changes to education so keep your eyes and ears open.  We will be updating people as soon as we have any confirmed information available.  We have heard that school board mergers are on the table, but when and where have not be disclosed at this point.

If you have any questions please reach out to the Executive of CUPE 1479.