The election results are in!

Left to right: Jennifer Connor, Jody Uddenberg, Steve Caswell, Liz James, Michele Dean, Justin Farrell, Kevin French, Velma Storms, Dianne Noack, Sam Fowlow, Charlene Newberry.

On Saturday the membership elected their Executive, Stewards and committee members and they were sworn in by Kathy Todd, CUPE National Representative.  If you have any questions please reach out to you Steward first, then if you need further assistance contact your Executive.

President: Kevin French 
Vice-President West: Jennifer Connon
Vice President East: Steve Caswell
Chief Stewart Unit 1&2: Liz James
Chief Steward Unit 3: Velma Storms
Treasurer: Marrianne Merrithew
Recording Secretary: Jody Uddenberg
Sergeant-At-Arms: Diane Noack
Shop Stewards:

    • Carrie Moncrief (Youth Worker & LRA)
    • Paul O’Connor (Office, Clerical, Technical West)
    • Marrianne Merrithew (Office, Clerical, Technical East)
    • Steve Caswell (Caretaking, Maintenance East)
    • Justin Farrell (Caretaking, Maintenance West)
    • Sam Follow (EA’s East)
    • Charlene Newberry (EA’s West)
    • Katrine Neal (ECE)
    • Michele Dean (Instructors)


1 Year Term: Carrie Moncrief
2 Year Term John Rotts
3 Year Term Andrea Miller

Social Committee
East: Vacant, Marrianne Merrithew
West: Sharon Wilson, Rachel Lewis

Health & Safety
Kevin French, Liz James, Sharon Wilson, Jim Beattie

By-Law Committee
Jody Uddenberg, Sharon Wilson, Charlene Newberry, Kevin French

ALCDSB Catholic Education Foundation: Amber Dale Hudson

Negotiating Committee Unit 1   Kevin French (President)

  • Educational Assistants/Charlene Newberry 
  • Youth Workers/ Jennifer Connor
  • Learning Resource Assistants/ Liz James
  • Caretaking-Maintenance/ Andrew Eves
  • Secretarial-Clerical/Vacant
  • IT/ Paul O’Connor

Negotiating Committee Unit 2 / Jim Beattie, Michele Dean, Jody Uddenberg

Negotiating Committee Unit 3 / Velma Storms, Colleen Lavergne

Website, Newsletter ,Twitter, Facebook Committee Liz James

Joint Job Evaluation Committee
(3 members and 2 alternates)
1. Jen Connor
2. Andrew Eves
3. Sharon Wilson
Alternates: Paul O’Connor, Dianne Noack

Merging of Unit 1 and 2 Committee
(4 members)
1. Michele Dean
2. Jody Uddenberg
3. Liz James
4. Marrianne Merrithew

Header picture from left to right: Jen Connor, Jody Uddenberg, Steve Caswell, Liz James, Michele Dean, Justin Farrell, Kevin French, Velma Storms, Dianne Noack, Sam Follow, Charlene Newberry.