CUPE Support for Charity Gold Tournament & Draws for positions on CUPE team

CUPE Support for Charity Golf Tournament

It was passed at the General Membership on May 27, 2017 for CUPE Local 1479 to sponsor a whole as well as sending a team to participate. This year we are offering 3 CUPE members the opportunity to play on and represent CUPE 1479 on the golf course. Kevin French, CUPE 1479 President will be playing on the team. Would you like to join him? If so, please send your name, school location, role within the school board and ask to be added to the draw for a spot on the team to . This draw is open to any dues paying member in CUPE 1479 in Unit 1, 2 or 3. Draw will take place on June 12 at noon. Winners will be notified by email. The local will also be notified via email and will be posted on the website. Anyone attending will have their pictures taken through out the day and posted on the website along with their names. Please share this information at your school location so all people are aware.
Here is the information:

19th Annual Director’s Charity Golf Tournament
Thursday, July 13, 2017
Loyalist Golf & Country Club – 1 Loyalist Boulevard, Bath

Money raised by this year’s tournament will be donated to Emergency Response Fund.  The Emergency Response Fund was established by the Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic Education Foundation (ALCEF) to provide immediate financial assistance to children and their families within our school board. This assistance may include the provision of eye glasses, medical supplies, accommodation, food, clothing, and transportation and many other emergency financial needs resulting from family crisis.