Building Better Schools: Your Voice Matters!

Your Voice Matters


My name is Steve Stenman and I am writing as a teacher and as the Political Action Chair of ETFO Limestone. On behalf ETFO Limestone I am thrilled to announce that we will be holding a community forum on elementary education entitled, “Building Better Schools…Your Voice Matters!” at Kingston City Hall on May 25th at 6:30 PM. This forum will be open to parents, teachers, principals, trustees, and other stakeholders in public elementary education. The idea around the forum is to bring the community together to discuss current issues in our schools today. The forum will be moderated by JC Kenny of CBC Radio and will include a panel discussion and opportunities for the audience to discuss in small groups, ask questions, and make connections to build capacity toward positive change in education.

Please find attached the event poster. We are hoping that you would join us at the community forum and that you would help spread the word. We would love to involve as much of the community as we can and we are hoping that you would be able to help promote the event by distributing the poster and encouraging members of your organization to come and participate.

We are looking forward to an informative and thought provoking evening! Please do not hesitate to contact me, Deb Wells, our local President, or Jane Roberts, our first vice president, for more information or if you have any trouble opening the attachment.

Thanks so much for your help in making this community discussion on issues in elementary education a success!

Looking forward to seeing you there!



Steve Stenman

Political Action Chair



Thursday May 25, 2017


City Hall, Memorial Room
