Contract Extension Survey: Additional Staff Funding For Specific Job Classifications

Kevin French-President, Jennifer Connor-VP West, Andrew Eves-VP East and Liz James-Chief Steward will be meeting with the board to discuss best ways to allocate staffing funding to reach the most student need’s.  We would like your opinion on how you best feel additional staff could benefit your job classification.  Schools across the province were given additional funding for full-time CUPE positions that directly impact special education or promote healthy and safe school environments.  It is our perspective that all of our members promote healthy and safe schools but the government was specific in naming positions that the money had to go to.

The following job classifications are specified in the contract extension agreement to have additional staff allocation funding are: EA, YW, other special staffing related to special education, LRA, clerical, secretary, IT, custodian and maintenance.  Please know that there isn’t a huge amount of money available.  Everyone will have ideas as to how the money will be spent and we will do our best to bring as many ideas to the table, but not all ideas will be implemented.  We will take the most popular ones forward.

Please have your response in by April 7th.  One survey per member in the above groups.

If you have any questions please contact the Executive.


Contract Extension: Additional Staff Funding Survey