8 Negotiation Committee representatives from CUPE 1479 are attending the OSBCC conference in Richmond Hill. This is a very important conference for our local. Delegates will be updated on many issues including, but not limited too:
- Chair Report including ELHT- Provincial Working Group Reports
- Classification Meetings
- Restructuring
- Benefits
We will be up dating members at the next union meeting on March 11, 2017.
Liz James, Area 6 alternate, Library Worker Group Co-Chair and LRA Negotiation Committee member and Chief Steward for CUPE Local 1479, working at the registration table Wednesday morning. Kevin French, CUPE 1479 President and Negotiation Committee member. Jody Uddenburg, ECE Negotiation Committee member and Recording Secretary. Jim Beattie, Instructor Negotiation Committee member and Unit 2 East Steward. Kevin French, President with Michele Dean, Unit 2 Negotiation Committee member and Unit 2 West Steward. Charlene Newberry, EA Steward and Negotiation Committee representative. Jennifer Connor, VP West and Youth Worker Negotiation Committee rep. Paul O’Conno,r Steward IT/LRA/YW and Negotiation Committee member IT. https://cupe.ca/cupe-ontario-president-addressed-education-workers-eve-strike-csdceo