Inclement Weather

9948437-driving-with-bad-weather-conditions-road-is-covered-by-snow-stock-photoJust because busses are cancelled doesn’t mean you just get to take the day off.  If your drive way isn’t plowed or shovelled you will not be approved by HR for an Inclement Weather day.

In the case of inclement weather Unit 1 members must stay in touch with their supervisors and continue to make attempts continually through out the day to get to work.  When filling out your Request to be Absent form be sure to include information about number of attempts, contact with supervisor and road conditions. Unit 1 does not go to the closest school.

Unit 2 does not have language regarding inclement weather so they follow the board policy of staying in touch with school supervisor and go to closest school if you are unable to get to your regular school site.
Be safe people! Winter is here!
If you have any questions please contact your Steward or Executive.
