Welcome Back and Happy New Year!

The Executive Committee hopes that everyone had a fantastic holiday with the people who mean the most to you in your lives.  Hopefully everyone is rested and rejuvenated enough to get through to March Break. .

Just a reminder that we are now operating in the new Collective Agreement.  As soon as we have an official copy it will be posted here.

We want to point out that there are no longer VLAP days.  You can take up to two PA days per year with no pay, when a supply is not required on the days the board designates as eligible. We are hoping to have the dates ASAP.  If you would like to put in for one of these days please fill out the Request To Be Absent form for your unit.    You would be requesting an unpaid day.  This will not effect seniority, but you would need to buy back your pension for the day.

Sick Leave forms are available on the board website under Human Resources or on this website under resources.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact a member of the Executive Committee.